Úrokové sazby musíme okamžitě zvednout nad 5 %, jinak přijde katastrofa, říká vysoce postavený ekonom

Krocení inflace vysokými úrokovými sazbami je potřeba, ale není to nic příjemného. Vysoce postavení představitelé Fedu se navíc nyní shodují, že řešení nejspíš bude ještě bolavější.

Fed se bojí, že řešení problému bude muset být bolavější

Představitelé Federálního rezervního systému na začátku nového roku zopakovali své obavy z příliš vysoké inflace v USA a jeden z regionálních předsedů uvedl, že úrokové sazby by měly zůstat vysoké až do roku 2024, aby se ochladil růst cen.

"Zvýšila jsem svou prognózu nad 5 %," uvedla ve čtvrtek prezidentka Federální rezervní banky v Kansas City Esther George v rozhovoru pro televizi CNBC s odkazem na svou prognózu sazby federálních fondů. "Vidím, že tam nějakou dobu zůstane, opět do doby, než dostaneme signály, že inflace skutečně přesvědčivě začíná klesat zpět k našemu 2% cíli."


Její protějšek z atlantského Fedu Raphael Bostic uvedl, že inflace je příliš vysoká a zůstává největším problémem v USA, a zopakoval,…

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A cryptocurrency bubble is a phenomenon where the market increasingly considers the going price of cryptocurrency assets to be inflated against their hypothetical value The history of cryptocurrency has been marked by several speculative bubbles Some economists and prominent investors have expressed the view that the entire cryptocurrency market constitutes a speculative bubble Adherents of this view include Berkshire Hathaway board member Warren Buffett and several laureates of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences central bankers and investors
Disclaimer This is by no means an investment recommendation This is purely my summary and analysis based on data from the internet and other sources Investing in the financial markets is risky and everyone should invest based on their own decisions I am just an amateur sharing my opinions
Now a question for more experienced investors do you prefer value or growth style? If you combine both which I assume you do which one is more prevalent in your portfolio? Share in the comments!
A cryptocurrency bubble is a phenomenon where the market increasingly considers the going price of cryptocurrency assets to be inflated against their hypothetical value The history of cryptocurrency has been marked by several speculative bubbles Some economists and prominent investors have expressed the view that the entire cryptocurrency market constitutes a speculative bubble Adherents of this view include Berkshire Hathaway board member Warren Buffett and several laureates of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences central bankers and investors
Trade involves the transfer of goods and services from one person or entity to another often in exchange for money Economists refer to a system or network that allows trade as a market An early form of trade barter saw the direct exchange of goods and services for other goods and services 1 i e trading things without the use of money 1 Modern traders generally negotiate through a medium of exchange such as money As a result buying can be separated from selling or earning The invention of money and letter of credit paper money and non-physical money greatly simplified and promoted trade Trade between two traders is called bilateral trade while trade involving more than two traders is called multilateral trade
We all know the good old fable surrounding the great mans name which is that Buffett has been beating the S&P 500 index for a long time Better put Buffett and his Berkshire have generated a compound annual return of 201% since 1965 versus 105% for the S&P 500 This year that return may not be as great but thats due to the size of his Berkshire and not finding as many lucrative investments plus macroeconomic influences
We all know the good old fable surrounding the great mans name which is that Buffett has been beating the S&P 500 index for a long time Better put Buffett and his Berkshire have generated a compound annual return of 201% since 1965 versus 105% for the S&P 500 This year that return may not be as great but thats due to the size of his Berkshire and not finding as many lucrative investments plus macroeconomic influences
Emissions trading is a market-based approach to controlling pollution by providing economic incentives for reducing the emissions of pollutants 1 The concept is also known as cap and trade CAT or emissions trading scheme ETS Carbon emission trading for CO2 and other greenhouse gases has been introduced in China the European Union and other countries as a key tool for climate change mitigation Other schemes include sulfur dioxide and other pollutants
In the last section we discussed the dividend I mentioned that the dividend tends to be an important factor for value investors But who is a value investor? Well the opposite of an investor focused on growth stocks have I made a mess of that now? Never mind well explain it all again in this episode
Disclaimer This is by no means an investment recommendation This is purely my summary and analysis based on data from the internet and other sources Investing in the financial markets is risky and everyone should invest based on their own decisions I am just an amateur sharing my opinions
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